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3R Viewpick May / June 2013

viewpick2013-0506-faecherThe large diversity of technologies, companies and entrepreneurs at work in the world of sustainable business means not two investors are likely to share the same business and life philosophy and values. Still, our experience has helped us identify several general themes which may be useful to consider.
In our networking in Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Tunisia, Japan, many market players seek to achieve balances and sustainable use of the world’s natural resources, and the need for new sources of energy, materials and environmental harmless technologies becomes manifest.
I do invite you with the newest ViewPick May/June to a summer reading about Roffla’s Gorge in the Swiss Alps and further insight of our research and findings like new networking with Japanese sustainability.
If you like to learn from old stories and science fiction, you might find this newsletter interesting. Roffla, Temmentech, Planetary Resources make possible to anyone to have a taste of future.

Best summer regards,
Eleni Regli

Download (PDF) 3R Viewpick May / June 2013

3R Viewpick March / April 2013

Responsible Resources & Roots Engagement Switzerland promotes Swiss CSR expertise around a wide market compass
Spring blossoms, and our 3R Engagement eNewsletter wishes sharing the experiences of Resources & Roots in the last weeks and the activities that are still to come.
Business networking is a socio-economic activity that enables like-minded business players to recognise, create or act upon business opportunities. Being connected to peers who can make a difference in business heightens a professional’s visibility within his or her group of action. 3R Engagement is striving to foster industry functions, networking groups, conventions and other gatherings, and give business partners the tools they need to build new professional relationships and generate business opportunities. We do consider that networking has already taken on a brand new meaning.
Finland networking develops new business opportunities. The Arctic Zone opens new environmental questions related to Extraction Industries. Finland proposes solutions. Canada’s track is enriching with new skills in the CSR Mining and Recycling Technology. Gender in Mining Industry becomes an issue to look for attentively.
Our engagement in Africa is growing and turns to an exciting collaboration in sustainable CSR Training and Assistance for sustainable reporting issues and ethical investments. Let us take a look at the latest news, while we explore sustainable investment opportunities. Bonne lecture!

Download (PDF) 3R Viewpick 2013 March/April

Le Forum Social Mondial Tunis 2013, 3me Edition

Le Forum Social Mondial 3me Edition Du 26 au 30 mars 2013 citoyens, représentants de mouvements sociaux, d’ONG, d’associations et de syndicats, membres de collectifs militants, du mouvement des Indignés sont en train de se retrouver à Tunis au Forum Social Mondial pour envisager ensemble un autre monde possible, un mot d’ordre fédérateur du mouvement altermondialiste. L’objectif du Forum Sociale Mondiale est de rassembler les acteurs des sociétés civiles qui refusent la domination néolibérale, en favorisant l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle culture politique, en mutualisant les résistances, les propositions et les alternatives, et en construisant des plateformes d’actions communes.
Le Forum Social Mondial a commencé ses débats hier, à Tunis, la capitale tunisienne, avec la question des droits des femmes. Les discussion fondamentales des premires réunions se sont concentrées sur la situation des droits des femmes deux ans aprs le début du symbolique printemps arabe. De nombreux délégués réclamaient la discrimination des femmes, en particulier en Tunisie et en Egypte. La réunion de cinq jours au cours de laquelle plus de 30.000 militants du monde entier sont attendus, a choisi pour cette édition comme devise «la dignité». Le Forum social mondial a été créé en 2001 au Brésil, en contrepoint au Forum économique mondial de Davos (Suisse). Au Forum participent des représentants des syndicats et les communautés locales, des militants des droits de l’homme et écologistes. Les premières éditions du forum ont eu lieu sur le continent africain, au Kenya en 2007 et en 2011 au Sénégal.
Pendant le Forum sont prévues des activités à distance du type visioconférence ou audioconférence ou encore la possibilité de téléparticiper à des ateliers.

3R Viewpick PDAC 2013 special

Responsible Resources & Roots Engagement (3R) has participated at the Prospectors & Development Association of Canada’s (PDAC), International Convention, Trade Show, and Investors Exchange in Toronto, Canada from March 2 until March 6.

Today, PDAC is the world’s leading mineral exploration conference. Taking root in 1932, the convention now boasts over 30’000 attendees from 125 countries and over 1’000 exhibitors. During these four days, delegates had the opportunity to attend a variety of technical sessions, short courses and networking events. 3R has been an avid participant at PDAC 2013 showcasing our services, attending panels as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) series and a client cocktail reception in downtown Toronto.

Download (PDF) 3R ViewPick PDAC Special

3R Viewpick 2013 January/February

Thank you for tuning to our new edition of 3R Engagement Newsletter for 2013. We start the year with good news from Finland, who is making big steps towards a sustainable extractive industry. The PDAC Convention Toronto 2013 will dedicate a large series of events on Corporate Social Responsibility in the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources companies. Our engagement in Africa starts on positive note.
Enjoy the lecture and we are looking forward to providing you with further updates on markets and our activities in the upcoming months.

Sincerely yours,
Eleni Regli

Download (PDF) 3R Viewpick 2013 Jan-Febr

CONTO ENERGIA – Förderung erneuerbarer Energiequellen in Italien

Produktion und Konsum von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen bleiben in Italien eine grosse Herausforderung, und für viele Analysten ist die Informationslage noch unübersichtlich. Die italienische Strategie zur Förderung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen hat unterschiedliche Kriterien in Betracht gezogen und hat sich folglich an verschiedenen Richtungen orientiert. Die neuen Verordnungen von Juli 2012 haben durchaus eine Neugestaltung des ganzen Energiesystems bezweckt und setzten als Priorität die Förderung der Photovoltaik und der Energiegewinnung aus hydroelektrischen und geothermischen Energiequellen sowie aus Windkraft und Biogas fest.

Download PDF:  Conto Energia

Striving the Best Code of Ethics for your Human Resources Policy

The highly complex issues faced by Human Resources managers in companies raise many questions about the place of fairness, integrity, honesty, self-discipline, and the very concerning consequences of everyone’s behaviour. Since the Human Resources department assumes a crucial role in the stakeholder dialogue of the company, there is very particular task of Human Resources managers to choose responsibly the best way between what is legally and social morally best case for the employee and financially advantageous to the company. Human Resources recognised as professional management business occupation became formally in many companies the turning point of the global sustainable development of a company. Therefore a Code of Ethics for Human Resources Managers gives an orientation and a solid ethical framework for exercising this job with best professional skills and with the whole social responsibility.

Download (PDF) Strive Best Code of Ethics for your HR Policy