Tag Archives: Seminar

Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar 2015

Zurich, January 21, 2015

bio business seminar

9th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar, February 5, 2015 at SIX Stock Exchange building in Zurich

The 9th Swiss-Scandinavian Bio-Business Seminar is organised by the Nordic countries in cooperation with Swiss partners. During this high-level partnering and investor conference, Swiss and Nordic biotech and pharmaceutical companies as well as investors meet in one-to-one meetings and present themselves in plenum.

The goal of the conference and by means of the Swiss-Nordic focus is to establish new contacts and networks.

The previous SSBBS 2014 gathered more than 120 participants.
A record of over 270 one-to-one meetings took place.
In nearly 50% of the matchmaking meetings, further contact was planned or a cooperation considered. /RLU

Source: https://www.b2match.eu/ssbbs2015